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  • Added data from the Scoured Stars Adventure Path.

Bug Fixes

  • Archetype Armored Visionary now correctly provides Heavy Armor or Shield proficiency, as described.
  • Fixed issue where Profession skills wouldn't get the insight bonus from the Skill Focus feat Mechanics get from their Exocortex.
  • Fixed Akinzi Resources tool kits being listed as requiring two hands.

Tactical Encounter Manager

This version brings the initial release of the Tactical Encounter Manager. You can create encounters from the GM Tools > Tactical Encounters section, add combatants and keep track of various effects in play.

Version 100

As the title gives away, this is release v100 of Hephaistos and marks just under four years of Hephaistos. It has been an amazing experience, and one that would not have been possible without the help and support of the fantastic community. So, to everyone who has ever reported a bug, provided a suggestion, recommended Hephaistos to others or even just used the website yourself: Thank You!

Starfinder 2E

As a way to celeberate v100 of Hephaistos, I thought I'd give a little preview of what's to come. For the past few months, I've been working on a version of Hephaistos for Starfinder 2E, or Hephaistos 2E for short, built from scratch to support the new system. The new website is still under development but here's a screenshot of a character built based on the Field Tests released so far (plus a bit of data from Pathfinder Player Core).

· One min read


  • Homebrew items can now be organized into collections, similar to Creations and items in the inventory.
  • Search terms and filters on list pages in the Infosphere are now reflected in the URL.
  • The environment for Environmental Clothing can now be selected.
  • The specific variety of Designer Clothing can now be selected.
  • The Biohacker Custom Microlab now adds an item to the inventory.
  • Buy and Sell dropdowns now have a slider to adjust the price as a percentage.

Bug Fixes

  • Added descriptions for the effects of Adamantine, Cold Iron and Silver special materials for weapons and ammunition.
  • Fixed incorrect DC for Culture skill task Decipher Writing.

· One min read


  • Creations can now be organized into collections, similar to items in the inventory.
  • Equipment can now be purchased and crafted from the "Add Equipment" sidebar on the Sheet > Inventory page.
  • Weapon Accessories, Fusions and Crystals can now be installed on stashed weapons, as long as they are also stashed.
  • Stashing or unstashing the Bayonet Bracket weapon accessory will now also stash or unstash any attached weapons.
  • The Hephaistos Importer FoundryVTT module has been updated to 0.18.0 (Release Notes).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed description for Invoke Curse ritual.
  • Fixed bonus to Survival from the Rover fighting style not scaling as described.
  • Fixed incorrect price for item Emergency Kit.

Next Up: Tactical Encounter Manager

With this release I'm marking the Infinite Worlds feature as "done" for now, though as always, improvements and bug fixes will continue.

The next highest item in the rankings is a Tactical Encounter Manager, so that's what I'll be working on next.

· One min read


  • Settlements in the World creator now have Quirks, Challenges and Locations as described in the Galaxy Exploration Manual.
  • NPC weapons can now have Solarian Crystals installed.
  • Drone mod Conductive Plating now adds an attack as described.
  • Shadowstaff items now add melee and ranged weapons to the inventory when equipped.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed damage for CR 1/3 and 1/2 NPC attacks being shown as 0d1.
  • Fixed various models of weapon Plasma Lash missing the Reach and Trip special properties.
  • Fixed not being able to set the Total SP for homebrew Starship Shields.
  • Added missing Personal Drop Pod Armor Upgrades.
  • Added missing description for Powered Armor Explorer's Cradle.
  • Fixed description for augmentation Moonlight Fibers that incorrectly referred to them as necrografts.

· 2 min read


  • Added class options from Angels of the Drift #5.
  • Velstrac Shackle augmentation now automatically adds the appropriate Shadow Chains when installed.
  • Added Temp HP, fast healing and Fortification details to the Force Field armor upgrades.
  • Added missing augmentations from Interstellar Species.
  • Fixed range for Compliance Ray, Flare.


  • Additional spells, such as those gained as spell-like abilities from species traits, are now part of the JSON export and Print view.
  • The "Campaign" button in the top navigation bar has been renamed to "GM Tools" to acccomodate Infinite Worlds (see below) and future tools.
  • Roll20 API import script has been updated to 0.16.0 (Release Notes).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed not being able to load ammunition into Scaling Weapons.
  • Fixed description for the Special Property Scaling Weapon Perk.
  • Added selection for Trox species trait Frenzy.
  • Fixed issue where custom bonuses on melee attacks weren't accounted for when calculating a weapon's total attack bonus.
  • Fixed missing fusion entries in the Print view due to similar fusions being deduplicated.
  • Fixed incorrect duration for spell Mental Muscle, Greater.


  • Items in equipment lists in the Infosphere can be expanded to show description.
  • Added NPC Goals, Roles, Traits and Secrets from the Deck of Endless NPCs to the Infosphere.

Infinite Worlds

This release adds the ability to create your own Worlds, based on the rules from the Galaxy Exploration Manual and Deck of Many Worlds. Below are a few key features:

  • Worlds can have multiple Biomes (as described in the Galaxy Exploration Manual), Settlements (as described in the Core Rulebook), and People (based on the Deck of Endless NPCs).
  • Many of the fields in the World creator can be randomized, so you can quickly create vibrant locales.
  • Worlds can be shared as usual, but you can control which Biomes, Settlements and People are publicly visible.