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  • Added entry in the Selection 2.0 section for keeping track of a Vanguard's entropy point. Selecting 1 EP or higher will automatically add an enhancement bonus to AC.
  • The Fantasy Grounds Unity XML export now contains actions for most spells and general actions.

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • Professional Tools no longer add an entry to the Situational Bonuses section since they automatically add a bonus to the selected profession.
  • Ysoki trait Scrappy now actually provides bonus to melee attacks when characters have 0 stamina.
  • Fixed borai, dwarf, half-orc, SRO, strix, and ysoki characters missing darkvision from the Senses section.
  • Fixed issue with the FGU XML export where weapons wouldn't show in the Actions section in FGU if they were equipped after the import.


  • All Starship systems can now be homebrewed.