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· 2 min read


  • Added data from Angels of the Drift #2.
  • Added missing species Kaa-Leki (from AP 38).


  • Attack and damage rolls for spells can be rolled from their description in the sidebar.
  • Added support for Augmentation & Weapon Manufacturers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Soulfire fusion not adding charisma modifier to damage.
  • Fixed feat Focused Sense not automatically checking for qualification.
  • Fixed some feats prerequisites checking for the ability to spells incorrectly.
  • Save DCs for grenades now take proficiency into account.


  • Added NPC arrays, grafts, adjustments and universal creature rules.
  • Added Creature Companion grafts.
  • Added Augmentation & Weapon Manufacturers.
  • Added summary descriptions from Interstellar Species for species.

With this release, all the data that exists within the Hephaistos database has been added to the Infosphere. There are a few minor things I'd like to do before calling the base feature "done"; I also want to know what data and features you'd like to see on the Infosphere?

Looking Ahead: Improved PDF Exports

The next feature at the top of the rankings is improving the PDF exports to support sheets with a different layout and/or room for detailed information. So, what are your favorite PDF sheets to use for Starfinder characters? I'd also welcome suggestions for drone, starship, mech and vehicle sheets.