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· 2 min read


  • Added data from Angels of the Drift #3.
  • Added new class options, species, themes, archetypes, spells and rituals from Starfinder Enhanced. The remaining stuff (feats, creature companions, equipment etc.) will follow in subsequent releases.

Enhanced Features

The new "enhanced" class features for the Envoy, Solarian, Technomancer and Witchwarper classes have been added to Hephaistos as alternate class features that don't replace any existing features. This means that if you have an existing character with levels in any of those classes you will need to manually select the new class features from the Creator > Class section.

Any new characters created with these classes, or existing characters taking their first level in these classes, will automatically have the "enhanced" features selected, though you can deselect them if you want.


Starfinder Enhanced highlighted a misunderstanding I had regarding archetypes: that you can only pick one per class. The introduction of the Archetypes section of the book makes it clear that this isn't the case. Fortunately, the only issue this causes that I'm aware of is the Exalted Champion archetype, which requires the Divine Champion archetype. As a workaround, I've added the only feature provided by that archetype (Exalted Focus at level 9) as an optional feature of the Divine Champion archetype, which should be mechanically identical.


All the data that's been added so far from Starfinder Enhanced is also available on the Hephaistos Infosphere.


  • Replaced "Race" with "Species" in the Character and Homebrew creators.
  • Updated the look of traits for Envoy Improvisations and Stellar Revelations.
  • Unselected class features now have grey text to make it clear that they aren't active.
  • Profession Clothing now adds an entry to the Situational Bonuses section when equipped.
  • Item Lightvision Shades can now be activated and deactivated from the Sheet > Quick > Selections tab.
  • Renamed the "Maximum Size" filter for Interstellar Drives in the Starship Creator to "Frame Size" and fixed its behaviour.

Bug Fixes

  • The Agile Casting feat now actually checks for Mobility being selected as a prerequisite.
  • Fixed incorrect damage types for weapon Desperation Cannon.