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New UIโ€‹

  • Sidebars now show the breakdowns for calculated stats.
  • Added sidebars for Attacks, Speed, Armor Class, Vitals, Conditions, Initiative, Ability Scores and Resistances.
  • Updated credits and bulk displays in the Inventory tab.
  • Stats with manual adjustments (overrides, custom bonuses etc.) are now underlined on the main sheet to indicate that they have been adjusted.
  • Improved responsiveness of notifications and dice results.


  • Both the export dropdown and the "Sheet (vNext)" tab are now available in read-only mode.
  • Implemented bonuses and damage dice changes to unarmed strike from a Soldier's Armor Storm fighting style.
  • Added chassis to the drone JSON export.
  • Deprecated Copaxi race entry from SFS #1-22.
  • Swapped colors for "Class Skill" and "Trained Only" icons on the current sheet to match the new sheet.

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • The Crusader connection for mystics now actually grants advanced melee weapon proficiency.
  • The Kasath Native alternate ability adjustment for Kasthans now correctly adds -2 to charsima instead of intelligence.