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· 2 min read


  • Weapons, Armor and Items HP and Hardness shown in their sidebar.
  • Ambusher fighting style now provides Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.
  • Spells from Dessamar Magic, Stellifera Magic and Gray Magic racial traits are now added to the character and can be seen in the Spells section of the Sheet.
  • Android racial trait "Infosphere Integration" now allows you to select the skill to which its benefits apply.
  • Weapon speed is now shown for starship weapons on the Sheet.
  • The Bone Blade augmentation now shows up in the Weapons section of the sheet when installed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed feat prerequisite qualification not accounting for current armor proficiencies.
  • Elf alternate racial trait "Forlorn Connection" now actually deselects "Eleven Magic".
  • Fixed typo in the description for Drone Mod "Heuristic Programming".
  • Removed option to sort Starship Security and Other Systems by Cost as that was never implemented on the server.
  • Fixed Vesk Venom racial trait not indicating piercing damage for unarmed strike.
  • Fixed incorrect description for Envoy's Signature Tool class feature.
  • Fixed issue with the "Weakened" stage of the Strength affliction track not calculating the overburdened limit correctly.
  • Fixed skills that got bonus ranks (eg. from operative specialization) being able to have total ranks in excess of character level.
  • Weapons and solarian crystals using d1 and d2 are now properly accounted for when rolling damage.