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· 2 min read


  • Operative Specializations that provide a bonus to skill checks for trick attacks now add an entry to the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Added Starship Combat rules from the Core Rulebook and Character Operations Manual to the infosphere.
  • Solarian class feature Sidereal Influence now adds an entry to the Selections tab which can be used to choose graviton or photon skills.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed old deprecated "Selections" still having an effect on the character
  • The Crusader Mystic Connection now correctly grants Advanced Melee Weapon Specialization at level 3.
  • Fixed typo in the Vulkarisu species trait Guileful Tricks.


  • Added tactical rules from the Core Rulebook to the infosphere.
  • Added environment and trap rules from the Core Rulebook.
  • Equipment lists in the infosphere can now be sorted.
  • Added Starship Crew Action Critical Effects and Boarding rules from the Starship Operations Manual.

In addition to the improvements above, the Infosphere is also a "Progressive Web App", which means that if you're using a Google Chrome (or another Chromium-based browser) the Infosphere will be cached locally and can be used offline. You can also install the Infosphere to your desktop or home screen (e.g. documentation for Chrome)

With these updates, I think the Infosphere is in a good enough place to call "done", though, obviously, I will continue to maintain, improve and add data.

Next Up: Improved PDF Exports

As mentioned in the last release, the next feature off the block is "Improved PDF Exports". In addition to supporting other PDF sheets for characters, I will also be adding support for at least the offical Mech and Vehicle sheets. As before, if you have any suggestions for PDF sheets you'd like to see supported, definitely let me know.