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· 2 min read


  • Updated data with the new errata.


  • The Commander soldier fighting style now allows changing key ability to Charisma.
  • Expanded the list of special materials for shields to include those that can also be used to make weapons.
  • Updated the Plasma Blast ability of the Qi Adept Soldier Fighting Style to be its own weapon instead of modifying the unarmed strike.
  • Usage for spell-like abilities provided by species traits can now be tracked from the Spells section of the Character Sheet. Similar support for spell-like abilities from other sources (eg. feats) will follow in future releases.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed level and price for Pheromone Grenades.
  • Fixed not being able to filter by the Indirect weapon special property.
  • Fixed Muon Solarian Crystals not having the Penetrating special property.
  • Fixed issue where speed penalties from armor and bulk limits were stacking.
  • Benefits of the feat Fleet when encumbered or overburdened now only apply to land speed, and only when wearing light or no armor.
  • Spell Cairn Form is now on the Mystic spell list, and no longer on the Technomancer spell list.


  • Added homebrew for NPC type, subtype, class and template grafts.

Class Statistics - Part 3

I've posted the third round of statistics, this time looking at the Nanocyte, Operative and Precog classes (link).