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· 2 min read


  • Added equipment from Tech Revolution.
  • Updated Void Whispers spell as per GEM errata.
  • Added Moyishuu race.


  • Equipment price can now be overriden.
  • Removed old character creator.
  • Characters and starships can now be duplicated.
  • Drone name and chassis are now shown on the Sheet.
  • Negotiator Protocol drone mod now gives bonus feat.
  • Tables in sidebars are now vertical instead of horizontal.
  • Improved description of Nanite Array class feature.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Kasatha race entry incorrectly specifying a -2 to charisma instead of intelligence.
  • Fixed incorrect description for the Energy Sink stellar revelation.
  • Fixed Nanocytes getting a knack at 10th level when they shouldn't due to an archetype.
  • Fixed languages not being exported to PDF.
  • Negative intelligence modifier no longer reduces the number of languages.
  • Fixed Skill Unit special ability and Skill Subroutine mod not allowing selection of Profession as a possible skill.
  • Drone chassis are now filtered by selected sources.
  • Fixed issue with Electrical Attunment revelations always being shown, even if that feature wasn't selected.

Next Up - Mech Creator

Based on the feature voting to date, adding a Mech Creator is the highest ranked feature so that'll become the next major feature being added to the website.