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· 3 min read


  • Added items and special materials from Drift Crisis.
  • Added data from AP 45.
  • Added Diatha, Khefak, Thasteron Khefak & Purple Core as special materials for equipment.


  • Envoy Expertise Talent Additional Skill Expertise now allows you to select the skill it applies to.
  • Added buttons on the Creator > Source page for Rulebooks, Modules, Society Scenarios and each AP series to be quickly enabled or disabled.
  • Mechanic Trick Technological Innovator now allows selection of subsequent tricks.
  • Precog Focal Paradoxes that apply to chosen skills now allow selecting of skills.
  • Added increment & decrement buttons around the "Adjust Price" input within the Buy & Sell dropdowns.
  • Runeworm augmentation now has options to reflect it's usage to upgrade an existing Mk 2 personal upgrade.
  • Added caster level check stat in the Spells section of the Character Sheet. The classes that contribute to the caster level can be configured and the resultant number can be clicked to roll the check.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed feats Technomantic Dabbler, Reality Glimmer and Connection Inkling missing options for newer spells.
  • Fixed issue with Weapon Specialization granting all operative melee weapons bonus damage.
  • Fixed description for augmentation Focusing Membrane Mk 2.
  • Starship shield controls and DC Ability dropdown in the Weapon sidebar are now disabled in read-only mode.
  • Fixed Aeon Stone Viridian Bablis not increasing movement speed.
  • Envoy Expertise Talent Skilled Linguist now provides bonus languages.
  • Fixed typo in Mystic Ephiphany Mystic Flare.
  • Updated Starship Quick page to display the correct maneuverability taking modifications to the distance between turns into account.
  • Fixed reduction to armor check penalty from Soldier Fighting Style Guard being erroneously applied in certain cases.
  • Fixed casting time for spell Grave Words being listed as 10 minutes instead of 1 minute.
  • Precog Anomaly Time's Anchor now affects Base Attack Bonus as described.
  • Fixed filtering weapon accessories by the Weapon Type they can be installed on.


This release also marks the start of the work for adding Homebrew to the website. The scope of this feature is quite ambitious: to allow you to create your own options for any choice on the website. From weapons, to character themes, starship base frames, mech limbs, vehicle modifications, NPC grafts and everything in between. Because of this scope, it only makes sense to break this feature down and release it in stages, which is what I'll be doing.

The first stage will focus on the most important and technically challenging aspect: how homebrew interacts with characters, starships etc. The goal is to lay a solid foundation for this interaction, though at the release of Stage 1 you may only be able to homebrew something simple like weapons. After that, subsequent stages should only be a matter of constructing the user interfaces to create various homebrew items.

Well, that's the plan anyway. We'll see if it survives contact with the implementation.