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· 2 min read


  • Added description field for homebrew Mech Weapons.
  • Spell-like abilities granted by feats now show their per-day usage in the Spells section of the Character Sheet.
  • Feats Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration now add entries to the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Added support for tracking CP and Computer subskills for the Dynamic Hacking subsystem as part of the Computers skill's sidebar.
  • Various optimizations to improve performance.
  • Level 12 benefit Care for Others of the Crisis Refugee theme now adds Mystic Cure as a spell-like ability.
  • The feat Accelerated Recovery now actually heals twice as many Hit Points on a long rest.

Bug Fixes

  • Input boxes that accept floating point numbers now go up to two decimal places.
  • Fixed shield values missing from the Starship JSON export.
  • Fixed bug where the Major Form and Minor Form tags for equipment weren't accounted for when checking if a character was encumbered.
  • Fixed having to select the sign-in method twice when signing in to Hephaistos.


  • Added support for homebrewing classes and rituals.

With the release the "Homebrew" feature is finally completed. The features page ( has been updated to reflect this. As for what's next, looking at the feature rankings it looks like it'll either be the Campaign Management or Infosphere.

Class Statistics - Part 5

The fifth and final round of class statistics looking at Vanguards and Witchwarpers (link).