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· 2 min read


  • Added class options from Angels of the Drift #5.
  • Velstrac Shackle augmentation now automatically adds the appropriate Shadow Chains when installed.
  • Added Temp HP, fast healing and Fortification details to the Force Field armor upgrades.
  • Added missing augmentations from Interstellar Species.
  • Fixed range for Compliance Ray, Flare.


  • Additional spells, such as those gained as spell-like abilities from species traits, are now part of the JSON export and Print view.
  • The "Campaign" button in the top navigation bar has been renamed to "GM Tools" to acccomodate Infinite Worlds (see below) and future tools.
  • Roll20 API import script has been updated to 0.16.0 (Release Notes).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed not being able to load ammunition into Scaling Weapons.
  • Fixed description for the Special Property Scaling Weapon Perk.
  • Added selection for Trox species trait Frenzy.
  • Fixed issue where custom bonuses on melee attacks weren't accounted for when calculating a weapon's total attack bonus.
  • Fixed missing fusion entries in the Print view due to similar fusions being deduplicated.
  • Fixed incorrect duration for spell Mental Muscle, Greater.


  • Items in equipment lists in the Infosphere can be expanded to show description.
  • Added NPC Goals, Roles, Traits and Secrets from the Deck of Endless NPCs to the Infosphere.

Infinite Worlds

This release adds the ability to create your own Worlds, based on the rules from the Galaxy Exploration Manual and Deck of Many Worlds. Below are a few key features:

  • Worlds can have multiple Biomes (as described in the Galaxy Exploration Manual), Settlements (as described in the Core Rulebook), and People (based on the Deck of Endless NPCs).
  • Many of the fields in the World creator can be randomized, so you can quickly create vibrant locales.
  • Worlds can be shared as usual, but you can control which Biomes, Settlements and People are publicly visible.