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· 3 min read


  • Mystic connection Warmonger now adds a Selection for activating the Weapons of War feature.
  • PDF and JSON exports now contain more detailed information about Class Feature options.
  • The Skill Notes section in the official PDF is now editable.
  • Added a selection to switch between the different modes of the Laborer Frame Powered Armor.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rules inconsistency where Powered Armor should only be able to have ranged weapons installed in it, unless described otherwise.
  • The "Targets EAC" filter for Weapons now properly accounts for the Force special property.
  • Fixed incorrect usage for weapon Moon Splinter, Full.

Random Item List Generation

This release adds the ability to generate a randomized list of items from the Character > Creator > Equipment or Campaign > Treasure > Equipment section. Clicking the button next to the tab of equipment types will open a dialog where you can select and filter what you want to include in the generated list.

There are a few more things I have planned to implement for this feature, but as always, feel free to let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Ammunition can now be loaded into weapons.
  • A file containing Pathmuncher-compatible can now be downloaded for characters.

Four Years On

This release marks the fourth anniversary of Hephaistos' first release, and perhaps the busiest year of development so far. Feature-wise, GMs got more tools, with the completion of the Campaign Manager and the addition of Infinite Worlds and the Tactical Encounter Manager. Content-wise, the release and subsequent implementation in Hephaistos of Starfinder Enhanced gave players plenty of new options as well.

Of course, the biggest news of the last year was the announcement of Starfinder 2E, which eventually led me to start working on Hephaistos 2E. I'm looking forward to the playtest that's just around the corner, to seeing the new iteration of the game, and of course, to supporting it within Hephaistos. The SF1E website will continue to be my main focus, and I intend on completing the features list (

Hephaistos is the product of the wonderful community that supports it. The bug reports and feedback make it better every release, and the Patreon and Ko-Fi donations help compensate the infrastructure costs. So, thank you all for the support.

· One min read


  • Added complex filtering for remaining all equipment.
  • Corruptions are now on the infosphere.
  • Diamond-Edge and Molecular Rift Arrows, and Tactical and Advanced Missiles now modify the damage of the weapons they're loaded into.
  • Added an equipment view for browsing equipment to the Play > Treasure section of the Campaign manager.
  • Vanguard Discipline Entropy Shield now adds a shield to the inventory and a selection to the Quick > Selections tab to switch between it being inactive, a Riot Shield or a Tactical Shield.
  • Fusions installed in Solarian Crystals now show up on the Sheet > Quick page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed complex filters ignoring source restrictions.
  • Item Camouflage Membrane and augmentation Skin of the Chameleon provide now bonuses to stealth as described.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Custom counters can now be added on the Sheet page.
  • Languages can now be selected in the Creator > Ancestry > Overview section.
  • Added support for versatile heritages.
  • Added ammunition from Field Test #1.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from Mechageddon!


  • Corruptions can now be homebrewed.
  • Homebrew Class Features can now have Selections that show up in the Sheet > Selections section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typo in the description of Magic Hack Quiet Space.
  • Fixed typo in the description of the Analog weapon special property and Weapon Anchor Pistol.

Improved Filtering

The current filtering capabilities in the Character Creator are relatively rigid and limited, and improving that has been a frequent piece of feedback. This release starts the process of overhauling the filtering system to allow the expression of more complex conditions. Currently, the improved filtering is only available on the Creator > Equipment > Weapon section. It will be rolled out to other parts of the Creator in future releases.

Next Feature: Random Item Lists

As of this release, I've marked the Tactical Encounter Manager as done, though as always, updates will continue.

The next feature highest feature in the rankings is Random Item Lists, which will allow you to quickly generate a list of random equipment, based on configurable constraints. that could represent loot or shop inventory. If you've got specific use cases for this feature you'd like to see implemented, definitely let me know.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Skill checks, ability checks, saving throws, and strike attack and damage can now be rolled clicking on the appropriate value on the Quick section of the Sheet page.
  • Added remaining conditions from Pathfinder Player Core

As previously mentioned, the SF2 website is under active development, but I welcome any feedback, suggestions or comments you may already have.

· 2 min read


  • Lists of Creations, Homebrew and GM Tools can now be sorted by Last Updated.
  • The order of traits in a homebrew Species can now be changed.
  • The color of Effects in the Tactical Encounter Manager can be changed.
  • Effects in the Tactical Encounter Manager are shown as tags on the combatants they affect.
  • Drone Mods now check for prerequisite.
  • Homebrew Drone Mods can have their prerequisites encoded in Dragonscript.
  • Corruptions can now be added in the Character Sheet > Afflictions section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect price for the Spectacles of the Unseen.

Hephaistos 2E

Hephaistos for Starfinder 2E, or Hephaistos 2E for short, is live and accessible from the URL above. Like the website for first edition, this version of Hephaistos has been built from the ground up to support Starfinder 2E.

As with the game itself, Hephaistos 2E is under active development, so you may find missing or broken features. The website also only contains data from Starfinder Field Test #1 to #4, with some bits and pieces from Pathfinder Player Core.

Finally, since the game itself is in a state of flux, characters cannot be saved at the moment. However, you can print a character sheet for any characters you do create.

· One min read


  • The detailed printable character sheet can now be configured to include or exclude sections.
  • Starship weapon special properties in the Starship Creator and Sheet now have tooltips that show their descriptions.
  • Item Holographic Sashimono now adds an entry to the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Searching for Species, Themes, Spells, Feats and Equipment in the Character Creator now looks for search terms in the description as well as the name.
  • Descriptions for installed Expansion Bays, Security and Other Systems can now be collapsed in the Starship Creator.
  • Situational bonuses can be optionally moved to the next page in the detailed printable character sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Shields having their Armor Check Penalty reduced by the Agility Enhancers armor upgrade and Armor Savant species trait.
  • Fixed Djezet weapons not accounting for the special material when installing fusions.
  • Fixed all models of Starship weapon Seer-Shard Projector not having a speed listed.
  • Fixed issues where text areas would sometimes delete parts of the text as it was being typed.