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· 2 min read


  • Added Size and Category filters for Mech Frames.
  • Added complex filtering for Feats.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect damage bonus for the Soldier Gear Boost Bullet Barrage.
  • Fixed incorrect title for the 5th level feature of the Chaldiralist Soldier Fighting Style.
  • Fixed Entropy Points granting bonus to AC when the Mutual Destruction alternate class feature is enabled.

Characters on Starships

Characters can now add themselves to starships as crew. This is done in the same way as characters adding themselves to campaigns. The Creator > Share section for a given character now has a "Starship" heading under which you can enter the ID of a starship. The IDs for starships are displayed in the Creator > Share section of the starship. Once added, character can be managed from the Sheet > Crew section of the Starship builder, where you can assign roles or add notes for them.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Upgrades can now be installed in armor and weapons.
  • Android with the Mod Fanatic Heritage can now equip mods from the Inventory section.
  • Weapon upgrades that increase damage are now taken into account when rolling weapon damage.
  • Added Domains from Pathfinder Lost Omens Divine Mysteries.
  • Descriptions for Spell Ampoules now include the details of the spell they contain.

· 2 min read


  • Updated the layout of the Starship Sheet > Quick section to be mobile-friendly and in line with the rest of Hephaistos.
  • Homebrew Class Features can now have Equipment Tags.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typo in the description of Witchwarper Paradigm Shift Arcane Override.
  • Magic Hacks selected via Arcane Override now provide described benefits.
  • Fixed issue where multiple Weapon Mount or Wheel Scythe modifications would not increase the number of mounts on a Vehicle.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Added deities and domains from the Playtest (except the domains from Divine Mysteries).
  • The "Deity or Philosophy" heading on the Creator > Details page can now be used to browse and select a deity.
  • Mystic feats Deity's Domain and Advanced Deity's Domain now allow selection of the Domain and grant spells as described.
  • Mystic feats Martial Discipline and Divine Fighting Technique now allow selection of the deity and grant the benefits described.
  • Mystic feats New Epiphany and Syncretic Epiphany now allow selection of a secondary connection and grant spells as described.
  • Pathmuncher export now includes proficiencies for the Computers and Piloting skill, and grade for Weapons, Armor and Shields.
  • Fixed skill proficiencies provided by the Grifter and Scientist backgrounds.
  • Fixed Operatives being erroneously trained in Intimidation.

· 2 min read


  • Updated the layout of the Starship Sheet (except the Quick section) to be mobile-friendly and in line with the rest of Hephaistos.
  • Tags can be added to automatically addded weapons (e.g. Witchwarper's Infinite Lash)
  • Added sidebars containing weapon damage and ability rules for Mechs in the Mech Sheet > Quick and Creator > Weapons sections.
  • Powered Armor can now have Batteries loaded into it and charges tracked from the sidebar.
  • Character XP is now shown in the Sheet > Misc section.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed "Add Corruption" button from the read-only character sheet view.
  • Fixed issue where the "Specific Ammunition" dropdown for Armor Upgrades in the Armor sidebar would show in-use Batteries.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Operative Feat Danger Awareness now adds a Situational Bonus entry in the Armor Class sidebar.
  • Print functionality no longer fails when an action is active.
  • Added support for weaknesses and immunities. Weaknesses can be manually added from the "Resistances & Immunities" sidebar.
  • Implemented Android Feat Nanite Form, which will now updated the character as described when activated.
  • Implemented the Striker Operative Specialization to provide Strength as a potential key attribute and weapon proficiency as described.
  • Updated pathmuncher JSON export to include Armor Class section.
  • Feats and class features that modify an actions frequency (e.g. Barathu's Plentiful Adaptation) now actually change the action's details in the UI.

· 2 min read


  • Updated the Starship builder's Creator section to be mobile-friendly and bring its design in line with the rest of the website.
  • Added a Power Points sidebar to the Quick section of Mech Sheet that includes details on the power core and template installed.
  • Sidebars for Hardness, Shield and Health on the Mech sheet now include rules on how Mechs take damage.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typo in the description of the Mech Weapon Swordwhip.
  • Fixed Scaling Weapons from Starfinder Enhanced not counting towards Drone and Vehicle weapon mounts.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Implemented the third wave of errata.
  • Actions that have effects when activated (e.g. Shirren's Unfurl Wings, the Deadlift feat and so on) now provide the ability to activate those effects.
  • Ancestry feats and class features now grant armor and critical specializations as described.
  • Weapon and armor sidebar show specialization status and provide the ability to override it.
  • Resistances from armor specialization effects are now automatically added.
  • Climbing Suckers augmentation now provides a Climb speed as described.
  • Envoy Leadership Style From The Front now updates Medium armor proficiency as described.
  • Added feat Impressive Performance, the absence of which was causing issues when selecting the In The Spotlight Envoy Leadership Style.

· 2 min read


  • Renamed "Misc" tab on the Mech sheet to "Systems" and added a summary of all installed systems to that section.
  • Soldier Gear Boost Unarmed Mauler now adds the Wound critical hit effect.
  • Updated the description of the Wound and Severe Wound critical hit effects to include the table of possible effects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed formatting error in the description of the item Spell Amulet.

Next Up: Mobile-Friendly Starship UI

As of this release the Mobile-Friendly Starship UI feature has been moved into "In-Progress". This feature entails updating the Starship UI to bring its design in-line with the rest of Hephaistos, and making it usable on smaller screens at the same time. There isn't anything to show just yet, but you should see the Starship creator being updated in the next few releases, starting with the Creator section first.

Hephaistos 2E

  • Added filtering for the Browse Equipment dialog.
  • Added filtering for the Spell selection dialog.
  • Implemented Human ancestry feat Natural Ambition and general feat Armor Proficiency.
  • Additional feat selections (e.g. those provided by Operative Specialization or General Training ancestry feat) are now automatically filtered.
  • Proficiency for each armor can now be overridden in the sidebar.
  • Fixed focus spells gained from Mystic Connections and Witchwarper Paradoxes not adding additional focus points.
  • Fixed incorrect description for spell Dream of Home.