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Alternate Class Features

This release adds alternate class features presented in the Character Operations Manual. Alternate features are shown on each class' page in the Creator and you can opt-in to them from there.

Email & Password Sign In

You can now create an account using your email and sign in with it as opposed to using a Google account.

Breaking Changes

  • Previously, you could just equip a Solarian Crystal to apply it to your Solar Weapon, however with the addition of the Solar Flare this no longer makes sense. Now Solarian Crystals are assigned to Solar Weapon and Solar Flare from the inventory. If you had a Crystal equipped you will have to go into the inventory and assign it to have it show up on the Quick page.


  • Added confirmation for buy/sell buttons on the Creator > Equipment and Sheet > Inventory pages.
  • Added a button to the buy/sell dropdown to instantly add/remove items.
  • Personal upgrades now allow you to select the Ability Score they apply to.
  • Added entropic strike as a weapon.
  • Added situation specific bonuses for all races.
  • Added situation-specific bonuses for augmentations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed minor issue with collapsing/expanding feats.
  • Fixed issue where bonus feats from racial traits or similar sources wouldn't show the correct selection.
  • Fixed Natural Weapons racial trait for various races so specialization bonus only applies at level 3 and beyond.

· 2 min read


This release adds the infrastructure required for Archetypes along with the original two archetypes presented in the CRB. Once a class is selected, you can choose an archetype for it by going to the newly added "Archetype" tab in the class' page in the Creator. More archetypes will be added in future releases.


New data (class features, feats, spells, equipment etc.) from the following sources has been added:

  • Near Space
  • Adventure Path 29: The Cradle Infestation (The Threefold Conspiracy 5 of 6)


  • Added orc race.
  • Added exocortex benefits for mechanics.
  • Added more sorting options for armor, weapon and shields
  • Added sources for Class, Race, Spell, Feat & Theme pages in the Creator. Additionally, the items on these pages can be filtered by source.
  • Fixed RP calculation so halving the level still yields at least 1 and the character has at least 1 RP even if their Key Ability score is negative.
  • Armor type, weapon type and weapon handedness are now shown in the equipment page in the Creator.
  • The feats page in the Creator section now shows sources for feats that are automatically added.
  • Situational bonuses added automatically and shown on the Quick page. This currently only happens for races from the CRB but will be expanded to include other sources in the future.
  • Installed upgrades, fusions and accessories show up with full descriptions on the inventory now.
  • Updated the Profile dropdown to be activated/deactivated on click.
  • Ammunition can now be assigned to weapons and managed from the Quick sheet.
  • Accessories and Fusions are now shown on the Quick sheet.
  • Override asterisk now shows the actual value.
  • Added sources for equipment page in the Creator.

Bug Fixes

  • Added source for Spring Attack feat.
  • Fixed issue where spells that are automatically acquired would be added to the Spell List multiple times.
  • Fixed issue where bonuses from feats that are automatically acquired would be added multiple times.
  • Fixed incorrect attack bonus calculation when Melee, Ranged or Thrown attack bonuses were overridden.
  • Fixed incorrect speed calculation when wearing powered armor and encumbered or overburdened.
  • Backpacks now properly effect bulk limits.
  • Improved source filtering dropdown.

· 2 min read


  • Added search to all equipment tabs in the Creator section.
  • All equipment tabs in the Creator section can be sorted in ascending or descending order by name, level and price.
  • Added all races up to and including Near Space.
  • Added the following overrides for armor: EAC, KAC, Max Dex Bonus, Armor Check Penalty, Upgrade Slots & Speed Adjustment (Non-powered armor only)
  • Improved weapon override options to include Damage Dice Sides, Damage Dice Count, Damage Type, Range, Critical Effect & Special Properties
  • A Solarian's Solar Weapon is now added when the appropriate manifestation is selected. Additionally, the solar weapon interacts correctly with any equipped Solarian Crystals.
  • Weapon and armor proficiency feats are now accounted for when performing attack bonus and AC calculations
  • Selections on the "Quick" page are properly persisted.
  • Added shields. All models (up to and including Near Space) have been added. Shields can be equipped and doing so will add their "Wield" bonus to AC. Appropriate armor upgrade can also be added to shields.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect ability bonus for No-Grav Ysoki.
  • Added Culture as a class skill for Envoys.
  • Updated selection buttons to be shown both above and below feat/race/class/spell descriptions.
  • Fixed search on list pages getting "stuck" when no items are returned.
  • All class features now show in the "Class Features" page of the sheet.
  • Fixed issue where the Operative's Edge bonus would be incorrectly doubled for skills with bonus ranks.
  • Fixed the damage not trickling over from Temporary HP to Health if Stamina was 0.