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FoundryVTT Import

To help facilitate the importing of characters into FoundryVTT, development has begun on a module. Once installed, the appropriately named "Hephaistos Importer" module will let you import characters using the JSON file export feature previously added to the website. Further details can be found in the git repository for the module.

Dice Rolling

The dice rolling feature has been expanded so that initiative checks, saving throws, attack rolls and ability checks on the Character Quick page can be rolled by simply clicking on the appropriate cell. Damage for installed Starship weapons can also be now rolled in the same way. Finally, for custom rolls, the dropdown menu in the top bar will now maintain a history of the last three custom rolls you made.


  • Increased character and starship limit to 6.
  • Expansion bays can be customized to change the number of bays they occupy. Additionally, notes can be added to each installed expansion bay.
  • Added a "Systems" page to the Starship Sheet section. This lists out all the systems on a starship, including their PCU usage and cost.
  • Changed the bottom-left panel of the Starship Sheet's Quick page to have a text box for notes.
  • Added negative levels to the Conditions section of the Sheet for characters and drones.
  • The equipment tables in the Creator can now be clicked on and expanded to show description.
  • Added PDF export for Starships.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where class weapons (Solar Weapon, Solar Flare, Lunar Weapon & Entropic Strike) couldn't be customized.

· 2 min read

Exporting Characters

Characters can now be exported to in a self-contained JSON document. The download button on the top-left of the character sheet, which would previously download a PDF, now shows a dropdown allowing to select between a PDF and JSON file. Exports for specific, popular VTTs will be added in the following releases. Plans also include adding the ability to export Starships.

Dice Rolling

Skill checks, weapon attack rolls and weapon damage rolls can now be made by clicking on the appropriate row or cell on the Quick section of the Sheet page. Custom rolls can be made by clicking the dice icon on the top navigation bar and selecting the required dice combination from the dropdown. Functionality for rolling ability checks, saving throws and other roll-able stats by clicking on them will be added in subsequent releases. Future plans also include adding click-to-roll functionality to the Starship sheet.


  • Added races from the Alien Character Deck.
  • Added data from AP 37.


  • Items with notes now show a tag next to their name in the Inventory which can be hovered over to show notes.
  • Renamed the "Learned" row to "Selected" in the Spells tab of the Class page under the Creator.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with selecting bonus feats provided by race (eg. Human) or class (eg. Soldier's combat feats).
  • Fixed issue with the "Character Manager" button not going back to the character & starship list page.
  • Fixed issue where bonus to spells per day from key ability would show for spell levels which you don't have access to.
  • Fixed issue where the Nanite Upgrade racial trait for Androids would not add Nanite Integration as a bonus feat.

· One min read


The character creator and sheet have been updated to include drones. You can create a drone by going to the newly added "Drone" section of the Creator.

Adding Equipment

Equipment can now be added directly from the Inventory section on the Sheet. Clicking the "Add" button located next to the "Add Custom Item" button will open up a dropdown with an input box. This can be used to search for equipment by name and add it without needing to switch to the Creator.

Automatic Updates In Read-Only Mode

Characters and starships opened using the read-only link will now automatically update every time changes are saved on the editable versions.


  • Added table for Envoy's expertise class feature.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various issues that prevented the ability adjustments for races from Alien Archive 4 being applied.



  • Added effects for Speed Suspension and Spinal Strut augmentations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue that caused the auto-update in read-only mode to not work as intended.
  • Fixed issue where the Add button in the Inventory would not search for light or heavy armor.

· One min read


  • Added data from Alien Archive 4.
  • Added data from AP 36.


  • Notes made on Races and Themes now show in the Sheet section.
  • Added tables for the Black Hole, Supernova and Stellar Rush Stellar Revelations as well as the Particle Wave Zenith Revelation.
  • Added ability to show only active conditions on the Conditions page in the Sheet.
  • Inventory page now shows the number of items in the inventory and the number of items stashed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where stashed ammunition would not show in the Stash tab of the Inventory.
  • Fixed typo in description of the Bureaucrat theme.
  • Fixed typo in Special properties for Holy Grenades.

· One min read


  • Fixed typo whereby the Hacking Kit was incorrectly named Engineering Kit resulting in two items with the same name.
  • Fixed typo in Teleportation Unit description.


  • Special Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Specialization feats now makes a distinction between the different Special weapons.
  • Shuriken Assassin Operative exploit now adds proficiency and specialization for Carbonedge Shurikens.
  • Trick Attack class feature description now lists the extra damage per level,
  • The Conditions section on the Sheet page now has all items collapsed by default.
  • Active conditions are now shown on the quick page.
  • Armor upgrades can now be assigned ammunition. This can be used to assign batteries to upgrades that need them.
  • Release notes can now be viewed directly on the website. They can be accessed using the newly added button at the bottom of every page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with how vitals were being calculated that would cause bonuses from feats to sometimes be missed.
  • Fixed ability modifier calculation when the score is less than 10.