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· 2 min read

New UI

  • Updated the inventory to be responsive.
  • Showing fusions and accessories in the equipped weapons section.
  • List items in the Weapons section of the Quick page can be clicked/tapped to show more details.
  • Added sections for feats, racial traits and theme benefits.


  • Made internal improvements to reduce website loading times.
  • Added spinner that shows on the page as soon as possible and remains until the website has finished loading.
  • Added support for special materials for starship systems (as per SOM).
  • Added filtering in the Starship Creator for Power Cores, Thrusters, Armor, Shields, Computers, Defences, Sensors and Weapons.
  • Sensor range and modifier are shown on the Quick section of the starship sheet.
  • Added notes section per crew member in the Starship sheet.
  • Added JSON export for starships.


  • Fixed starship creator/sheet header.
  • Fixed incorrect CT calculation for starships.
  • Fixed bonus or penalty from thrusters not being accounted for when calculating the piloting modifier for a starship.
  • Fixed column header typo on the Creator > Other System page of the starship sheet.
  • Fixed typo in the name of the "Recreation Suite" expansion bay.

· One min read

New UI

  • Sidebars now show the breakdowns for calculated stats.
  • Added sidebars for Attacks, Speed, Armor Class, Vitals, Conditions, Initiative, Ability Scores and Resistances.
  • Updated credits and bulk displays in the Inventory tab.
  • Stats with manual adjustments (overrides, custom bonuses etc.) are now underlined on the main sheet to indicate that they have been adjusted.
  • Improved responsiveness of notifications and dice results.


  • Both the export dropdown and the "Sheet (vNext)" tab are now available in read-only mode.
  • Implemented bonuses and damage dice changes to unarmed strike from a Soldier's Armor Storm fighting style.
  • Added chassis to the drone JSON export.
  • Deprecated Copaxi race entry from SFS #1-22.
  • Swapped colors for "Class Skill" and "Trained Only" icons on the current sheet to match the new sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • The Crusader connection for mystics now actually grants advanced melee weapon proficiency.
  • The Kasath Native alternate ability adjustment for Kasthans now correctly adds -2 to charsima instead of intelligence.

· One min read

New UI

This release includes the beginnings of a complete UI redesign, starting with the character sheet. This new UI for the character sheet can be accessed by going to the "Sheet (vNext)" tab after opening a character. It's very much a work-in-progress and far from having all the features from the normal sheet, but it should give an idea of what's coming up next.


  • Added data from AP 38.


  • Add/remove dropdowns for vitals are now set to 1 by default instead of 0.
  • Added copy button next to read-only link on the Share page.
  • Languages are now shown on the quick sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the "Efficient Upgrades" archetype feature of the "Powered Armor Jockey" archetype which was being applied at the level 2 instead of 6.
  • Fixed minor typo in the description of the spell Baleful Polymorph.

· One min read


  • Added Drone PDF export.
  • Updated Character JSON export to include effects for feats and their options.
  • Most races with natural weapons now automatically have the damage type and special properties of their unarmed strike adjusted.
  • Armor Upgrades can now be installed into slots provided by racial traits and drone mods.
  • Removed restriction preventing installation of multiple TIMs (or any other system) on starships.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where specialization damage for Mystic Flare wasn't calculated correctly.
  • Installed Upgrades, accessories and fusions now show up on the Inventory page in Read-Only mode.
  • Fixed issue where Weapon Specialization bonus for Vanguard's Entropic Strike was not properly calculated.
  • Fixed issue where the Combat Trick Operative Exploit wouldn't give a bonus combat feat.
  • Fixed some Technomancer spells showing up as not being on the class list.
  • Fixed some typos in equipment names.

· 2 min read

FoundryVTT Import

To help facilitate the importing of characters into FoundryVTT, development has begun on a module. Once installed, the appropriately named "Hephaistos Importer" module will let you import characters using the JSON file export feature previously added to the website. Further details can be found in the git repository for the module.

Dice Rolling

The dice rolling feature has been expanded so that initiative checks, saving throws, attack rolls and ability checks on the Character Quick page can be rolled by simply clicking on the appropriate cell. Damage for installed Starship weapons can also be now rolled in the same way. Finally, for custom rolls, the dropdown menu in the top bar will now maintain a history of the last three custom rolls you made.


  • Increased character and starship limit to 6.
  • Expansion bays can be customized to change the number of bays they occupy. Additionally, notes can be added to each installed expansion bay.
  • Added a "Systems" page to the Starship Sheet section. This lists out all the systems on a starship, including their PCU usage and cost.
  • Changed the bottom-left panel of the Starship Sheet's Quick page to have a text box for notes.
  • Added negative levels to the Conditions section of the Sheet for characters and drones.
  • The equipment tables in the Creator can now be clicked on and expanded to show description.
  • Added PDF export for Starships.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where class weapons (Solar Weapon, Solar Flare, Lunar Weapon & Entropic Strike) couldn't be customized.