- Added equipment and Divine Weapon feat from Galactic Magic.
- Added missing special ability Skillful provided by the Envoy class graft at CR 9.
- When copying an NPC's stat block CR appear on the same lines as the NPC's name.
- Added tabs to the landing page to separate out Characters, Starships, Mechs and NPCs.
- The Gear & Attacks tab in the NPC Creator now includes an Equipment section similar that lists all equipment.
- Selection dropdowns for class features now have a default value that indicates what level a selection is for instead of "Select One..".
- Increased Character, Starship, Mech & NPC limit to 30.
- The current number and maximum limit for each type of creation is now shown on the main page.
- Base speed for NPCs can now be entered on the Details page.
- Improved source description for speed to better represent where the base speed comes from.
- Added a checkbox on the Details page in the Starship Creator to mark the ship as a Squadron HQ. Enabling this will apply the adjustments described in the Starship Operations Manual.
- Max BP for starships can now be overridden from the Creator > Details page.
- NPCs can now multiclass & select archetypes as per the rules from Pact Worlds.
- Added "Misc" tab to the Character, Drone & Mech sheets to show description.
- NPC stat block now includes the description, if any.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inability to select Gear Boosts for a CR 2 NPC.
- Fixed formatting in the Special Abilities section of the NPC Stat Block.
- Fixed Crusader Mystic Connection not providing bonus feat if character was already proficient with Advanced Melee Weapons.
- Fixed Biohacker Theorem Painful Injection not adding additional damage to injection weapons.
- Fixed damage from the Soulfire fusion sometimes being added multiple times to a Solarian Crystal.
- Precog Temporal Anomaly Time-Hardened now actually increases HP and SP.
- Fixed the Universal Creature Rule Darkvision being listed as an Offensive Ability instead of a Sense.
- Saving Throw and Attack sidebars in the NPC Sheet no longer take ability score overrides into account.
- Fixed Animal type graft not updating the intelligence modifier.
- Starship weapons with the Array special property now take up 2 mounts instead of 1.
- Fixed incorrect price for Plasma Ring, Dual-Valve.
- Fixed issue where the Buy dropdown for Weapon Fusions would not take the selected weapon level into account.
- Fixed special ability selection becoming empty and using the last search term for filtering results even when the search input was blank.
- Fixed inability to disable class graft adjustments.
- Fixed bonuses from class graft adjustments not being applied.
- Fixed Adjustment Preference dropdown in the Class Graft section of the NPC Creator not working.
Next Up - Vehicle Creator
The Vehicle Creator has been at the top of the feature rankings for quite some time and now it's finally time for it to become the next major feature in development.
Patreon Goal Reached!
A few weeks ago the Patreon goal for improving the website's infrastructure was reached. A very special thanks to all the patrons whose generous contributions have made this possible. Hephaistos will be moving to dedicated infrastructure which should improve the general responsiveness and reliability. Unfortunately, this transition will require some downtime. So, Hephaistos will be down on Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 10:30 AM (UTC) for approximately 1 hour.