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· 3 min read


  • Added data from AP 42.


  • Updated description for Void Hide armor to include details about usage.
  • Choosing Magical Expertise will now result in Mystic spells being shown as part of the Envoy's class spell list.
  • General combat actions are now shown on the Character Sheet for quick reference.
  • Light armor and powered armor can now be equipped simultaneously.
  • The "Design Budgets" optional rule from SOM can now be enabled in the Starship creator to show suggested budgets for systems.
  • Notes can now be added for each selected feat.
  • Prerequisites for feats based on the ability to cast spells are now properly calculated.
  • Dropdowns for changing Temp HP, Health, Stamina, Resolve, Credits and UPBs now focus and select the input when opened.
  • Installed augmentation that can be used as an action are now shown on the Actions table.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect price for Magic Resistor Mk 1 and Mk 2.
  • Fixed typo in the item name "Kinetic Converter".
  • Fixed Reinforced Frame adding bonus to EAC and reflex saves instead of HP.
  • Fixed issue the Add Equipment sidebar in Drone > Inventory page so equipment can be searched for added.
  • Fixed spells disappearing in the Character Creator when filtering by class or level.
  • Bayonet brackets no longer penalize piercing weapons.
  • Fixed odd characters in the description for the item Empathy Engine.
  • Fixed weapons installed in accessories not showing on the Quick page of the Character Sheet.
  • Speak with Dead is now correctly included in the Witchwarper class spell list.

Next Up - NPC & Monster Creator

Based on the feature voting, the NPC Creator and Vehicle Creator have been neck-and-neck at the top for quite a while now. After carefully weighing up both features, I've decided to implement the NPC Creator first, so that's what I'll be working on in the coming months. As always, I still intend to add a Vehicle Creator which, if it maintains its current rankings, will be next.

Feature Voting

A new possible feature has been added to the list of features: Campaign Management. This is a more GM-focused feature that will provide some tools to manage adventuring parties. GMs will be able to create a "Campaign" to which players can add their characters. GMs can then see all the characters at a glance in a dashboard view (including a summary of the character's statistics) and distribute XP and loot to those characters.

· 2 min read


  • Updated data based on the errata from Tech Revolution, Galaxy Exploration Manual & Character Operations Manual (1st Printing).


  • Armor bonuses from Half-Orc racial trait Armor Ease are now applied.
  • Amarantah racial trait "Shapeable Hold" now reduces armor penalties.
  • Spells can now be selected for the Connection Inkling, Reality Glimmer & Technomantic Dabbler feats.
  • Added skill tasks in each of the skills' sidebar.
  • Weapons can now be installed in the Bayonet Bracket and Grenadier Bracket.
  • Counters on the Character sheet can now have defaults.

Bug Fixes

  • Gunner Harness weapon accessory now properly adjusts penalty due to strength for using heavy weapons.
  • Fixed issue where drone ability scores could not be overridden or manually adjusted.
  • Fixed incorrect price for Sword Cane, Zero-Edge.
  • Fixed issue with Melee Striker calculating damage bonus incorrectly.
  • Fixed typo in the description for the Kanabo race.

Mech Revolution

This update introduces the Mech creator and sheet based on the rules from Tech Revolution.

Feature Voting

With the Mech Creator released, I will be revisiting the feature rankings to determine what to pick up next. Currently, the NPC creator and Vehicle creator are quite close at the top of the rankings so be sure to vote for the features you'd like to see. Additionally, two new features have been added for consideration: Tactical Encounter Manager and Starship Encounter Manager.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect pricing and level for Thruster Heels.
  • Fixed Operatives and Biohackers getting extra ranks in skills.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from AP 41.
  • Added data from The Liberation of Locus-1.


  • Duplicating a character or starship now requires confirmation.
  • Added input in the Details page of the Character Creator to store XP.
  • Strength score for Powered Armor can now be overridden.
  • Shields that can be used to perform attacks are now shown in the Weapons section of the Character Sheet.
  • Armor, Weapons, Shields and Items can now have the Broken condition applied to them.
  • Weapons can now be installed into Powered Armor.
  • Weapons with the Integrated special property can be installed into armor upgrade slots.
  • Installed Armor Upgrades, Weapon Fusions and Weapon Accessories no longer disappear from the main inventory list.
  • Increased Character and Starship limits to 12.
  • Changed "Hit" column name to "Attack" in the Weapons section for the Character Sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect minimum level for Quantum weapon fusion.
  • Fixed pricing for tactical maul.
  • Fixed Signature Item Envoy feature not replacing the first Improvisation selection.
  • Fixed incorrect casting time for the spell Phase Blade.
  • Draelik racial spells are now shown on the Character Sheet.
  • Fixed issue where signing in while viewing a read-only character would create a duplicate of that character.
  • Equipped hoverchairs no longer add to carried bulk.
  • Fixed Load Lifter armor upgrade not increasing carrying capacity.

· 2 min read


  • Weapons, Armor and Items HP and Hardness shown in their sidebar.
  • Ambusher fighting style now provides Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.
  • Spells from Dessamar Magic, Stellifera Magic and Gray Magic racial traits are now added to the character and can be seen in the Spells section of the Sheet.
  • Android racial trait "Infosphere Integration" now allows you to select the skill to which its benefits apply.
  • Weapon speed is now shown for starship weapons on the Sheet.
  • The Bone Blade augmentation now shows up in the Weapons section of the sheet when installed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed feat prerequisite qualification not accounting for current armor proficiencies.
  • Elf alternate racial trait "Forlorn Connection" now actually deselects "Eleven Magic".
  • Fixed typo in the description for Drone Mod "Heuristic Programming".
  • Removed option to sort Starship Security and Other Systems by Cost as that was never implemented on the server.
  • Fixed Vesk Venom racial trait not indicating piercing damage for unarmed strike.
  • Fixed incorrect description for Envoy's Signature Tool class feature.
  • Fixed issue with the "Weakened" stage of the Strength affliction track not calculating the overburdened limit correctly.
  • Fixed skills that got bonus ranks (eg. from operative specialization) being able to have total ranks in excess of character level.
  • Weapons and solarian crystals using d1 and d2 are now properly accounted for when rolling damage.

· 2 min read


  • Added equipment from Tech Revolution.
  • Updated Void Whispers spell as per GEM errata.
  • Added Moyishuu race.


  • Equipment price can now be overriden.
  • Removed old character creator.
  • Characters and starships can now be duplicated.
  • Drone name and chassis are now shown on the Sheet.
  • Negotiator Protocol drone mod now gives bonus feat.
  • Tables in sidebars are now vertical instead of horizontal.
  • Improved description of Nanite Array class feature.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Kasatha race entry incorrectly specifying a -2 to charisma instead of intelligence.
  • Fixed incorrect description for the Energy Sink stellar revelation.
  • Fixed Nanocytes getting a knack at 10th level when they shouldn't due to an archetype.
  • Fixed languages not being exported to PDF.
  • Negative intelligence modifier no longer reduces the number of languages.
  • Fixed Skill Unit special ability and Skill Subroutine mod not allowing selection of Profession as a possible skill.
  • Drone chassis are now filtered by selected sources.
  • Fixed issue with Electrical Attunment revelations always being shown, even if that feature wasn't selected.

Next Up - Mech Creator

Based on the feature voting to date, adding a Mech Creator is the highest ranked feature so that'll become the next major feature being added to the website.