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· 2 min read


  • Added new class features and School Specialist archetype from Galactic Magic.
  • Added missing Precog class feature Chronomatic Defense. If you've got an existing Precog character you will need to manually select this feature from the Creator.


  • Extra feats can now be added to Characters and Drones.
  • Added SR to the Resistances section of the sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Magic Mark not being on the Precog spell list.
  • Fixed precogs not getting Weapon Specialization at level 3 for the weapon type they chose proficiency for at level 1.
  • Fixed biohackers not getting a specialization bonus to damage for injection weapons at level 3.
  • Made "Special Material" dropdown for equipment disabled in read-only mode.
  • Insight bonus to skills from Theme Knowledge now only applies if the skill was a class skill from the class taken at 1st level.
  • Fixed issue preventing Sheath Array Bonus selection dropdowns from changing for Nanocytes.
  • Fixed Operative Exploit Improved Quick Movement not increasing movement speed.
  • Fixed Operative Exploit Disarming Attack being incorrectly listed as level 2.

Here Be Dragons (And Other Monsters)

This release adds the NPC and Monster Creator based on rules from the Alien Archive and up-to-date grafts.

· One min read


  • Updated the description for the Biohacker's Genetics Field of Study Inhibitor based on errata.
  • Added Precog class and new Spells from Galactic Magic.
  • Added missing starship sensors from Near Space.


  • Improved usability of counters on low resolution devices.
  • Added a Temp HP input to the Starship Sheet to track pooled Temp HP.
  • Shimreens can now choose to form and un-form their Crystal Lance from the Selections tab on the Character Sheet. Forming the Crystal Lance will modify the character's Unarmed Strike as described in the Shift Limb racial trait.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Improved Unarmed Strike granting 6d6 damage at level 20 instead of 7d6.

· One min read


  • Selecting the Drone Technomancy class feature now allows selection of certain Mechanic Tricks as Magic Hacks.
  • Dice-based custom bonuses can now be added to skills, saving throws and attack rolls.
  • Custom bonuses for skills, saving throws, AC, attacks and ability scores can now be enabled and disabled.
  • Class features with level-based sub-benefits (eg. Mystic Connection, Operative Exploit and Vanguard Aspect) now have those benefits displayed directly in the Class Features tab of the sheet.
  • Weapon capacity and usage can be now overridden.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed description for Operative Exploit Invigorating Strike.
  • Starship CT now properly accounts for Fortified Hulls.
  • Fixed issue where selecting the same skill for both the Skill Subroutine mod and Skill Unit special ability would result in the drone having repeated skills and double ranks.
  • Fixed issue where some Drone skills were not being marked as class skills.
  • Fixed issues with changing the ranking of features on the Feature Voting page.
  • Fixed Kasathan racial trait Personal Traditions replacing Historian instead of Natural Grace.
  • Fixed Dirindis not getting bonus languages equal to twice their intelligence modifier.

· One min read


  • Qualification for feats with prerequisites based on number of arms, size or specific class features are now correctly evaluated.
  • Stellar Attunement can now be selected from the "Selections" tab on the quick sheet. Selecting Photon attunement will add a bonus to damage, while selecting Graviton will add a bonus to Reflex saves.
  • Added special materials for equipment as described in the Armory.
  • Added special materials as trade goods under the Items section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Injection special property DC for certain models of the Injector Pistol.
  • Fixed starship weapon "Crushing Gears" being incorrectly categorized as a Light weapon.
  • Updated missing description for Stellar Mode class feature.
  • Character wealth now properly accounts for improved powered armor.
  • Fixed Spell Focus not showing as qualified for characters spellcasting classes.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed all races having only two hit points.

· One min read


  • Increased character, starship and mech limit to 18.
  • Added an "About" page on the Starship Sheet that shows the starship's description and optional subsystems in use.
  • Envoy Signature Clothing now allows selecting additional Expertise skills and talents.
  • Mech Auxliary systems can now be filtered based on the frames they can be installed in.
  • Powered armor level can now be overriden. Doing so will also increase the armor's stats as described in the Armory.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed typos in the "rail" special property of various Starship Weapons.
  • Fixed issue with certain feats not being properly selected.
  • Fixed issue with armor speed penalty reduction from racial traits was incorrectly calculated.