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· One min read


  • Added data from To Defy The Dragon.
  • Added the Evolutionist class, equipment, spells and creature companions from Interstellar Species.


  • Nanocyte knack Swarm Strike now shows up as a weapon in the Quick and Inventory pages of the character sheet.
  • Drone mod selection now shows whether a mod is "basic" or "advanced".
  • Descriptions for computer modules are now shown in the sidebar before purchase.
  • Added checkbox when creating homebrew feats that allows them to be selected multiple times.
  • Added Selections tab on the Quick page for NPCs.
  • The NPC creator now has a Homebrew tab where IDs for allowed homebrew items can be added.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect size for the Blinkstriker mech frame.
  • Fixed issue with Melee Striker gear boost not adding damage bonus for NPCs.
  • Fixed incorrect school, descriptors and range for the spell Ego Whip.
  • Fixed issue where restricting sources would hide homebrew items.
  • Fixed issue in the Vehicle creator where bonuses to full speed weren't accounted for when calculated travel/overland speed.

· One min read


  • Added tooltips to display information about special materials on the Starship sheet.
  • Improved how requests are made so rate-limiting errors are less frequent.
  • Updated documentation to add a troubleshooting section with faqs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where feats were sometimes erroneously hidden.
  • Fixed incorrect bonuses for the Cache Augmentation alternate Technomancer feature.
  • Fixed spelling error in the starship weapon Super Buster Cannon.


With the release you can now homebrew entire Races/Species, as well as Ability Score Adjustments and Alternate Traits for existing ones. Additionally, homebrew Items can now have effects and options added to them.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from AP 48.


  • Magic Resistor armor upgrades now automatically grant SR.
  • SR is exported as part of the PDF under the "Resistances" section.
  • Mystics with the Akashic connection can now select a profession skill to receive bonuses from the Selections 2.0 section of the Character Sheet.
  • Destiny's Device feature of the Starsinger archetype now automatically grants proficiency and Weapon Focus for starknives.
  • Nanocyte class feature Eldritch Array now automatically adds Technomancer spells to the class spell list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed spelling error in the description of armor upgrade Sonic Dampener.
  • Fixed extraneous commas in the languages section of the exported PDF.
  • Fixed duration of spell Greater Invisibility to be 1 round/level instead of 1 minute/level.
  • Fixed issue with Improved Unarmed Strike causing the damage dice for Unarmed Strikes to be 0d3 for characters lower than 4th-level.
  • Fixed theme Planar Traveler missing having two instances of the Plane of Fire as options while missing the Plane of Water.
  • Fixed incorrect price and level for augmentation Inner Gyros.

Homebrew - Phase 3 Complete

This release expands the homebrew support to include:

  • Ammunition
  • Class Feature Options for existing features, so you can homebrew Biohacker Theorems, Mechanic Tricks, Operative Specializations and more.
  • Alternate Class Features for existing classes.

· 2 min read


  • Characters, Creature Companions, Starships, Mechs, Vehicles, NPCs and Homembrew items can now be duplicated to your account from the read-only view if you're signed in.
  • Added a "craft" button in the Equipment section of the Character Creator that deducts UPBs instead of Credits.
  • Weapons in the Equipment section of the Character Creator can now be filtered by damage dice and damage type.
  • Grenades are now grouped in the Inventory and on the Quick page of the Character Sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Mechanic Trick Extra Mod now provides an extra mod.
  • Fixed cost of Starship TIMs with the "Any" role to be 3 instead of 6.
  • The cost of installing additional TIMs in a Starship now increases as described.
  • Bonus from Telepathic Dampener Armor Upgrade now shows in the Situational Bonuses section.

Improved Handling of Profession skills

This release improves how Profession skills are handled, especially when it comes to choosing a specific profession for certain Racial Traits, Theme Benefits, Item etc. In most cases, you will now be able to select from a list of all the profession skills your character has.

More specifically, the following improvements have been made:

  • Dwarf alternate trait "Mining Expert": You can select a profession to provide the bonus to.
  • Bureaucrat theme: You can select a profession skill. The +1 ability adjustment will automatically be added to the ability associated with the chosen profession.
  • Icon theme: You can select the profession skill to apply the +1 bonus to.
  • Prole theme: You can now select a profession and only the select profession will receive a +2 insight bonus. All other profession skills still get a +1 insight bonus.
  • Profession Tools item: You can now select a profession to apply the +4 bonus to.

Finally, your character will now automatically be considered proficient with weapons with the Profession special property if you have ranks equal to or greater than the weapon's item level in a profession skill with a matching name.

· 2 min read


  • Hoverchairs can now have items stored in them using the sidebar.
  • Starship Stat Block now shows the special materials for system where relevant.
  • Damage shown for the Rail special property is doubled when Starship weapons are linked.
  • Items which can be installed as Armor Upgrades can now also be installed into upgrade slots on Characters and Drones.
  • The XP heading in the Details section of the Character Creator can now be clicked to show the Character Advancement table.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Sheath array options in the Selection 2.0 tab not providing bonus to Reflex saves.
  • Fixed the description of Glitch Gremlin Creature Companion graft.
  • Fixed issues with stashed ammunition not being shown.
  • Fixed issue where the damage for Solar Flare was calculated in correctly when multiclassing.

Homebrew - Phase 2 Complete

This release marks the completion of the second phase of the Homebrew feature. You can now create Feats, Themes and Spells. Solarian Crystals can now also be homebrewed by selecting the "Solarian" type when creating a Weapon.


A new documentation section has been added accessible via the "Documentation" link in the footer or by going directly to Release notes and the page about VTT Support have been moved to the new documentation. Additionaly, extensive documentation has been added for Dragonscript (the custom scripting language created for and used within Hephaistos to apply effects like bonuses, penalties etc.) which should be helpful when homebrewing Feats and Themes.