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· 2 min read


  • Updated data with the new errata.


  • The Commander soldier fighting style now allows changing key ability to Charisma.
  • Expanded the list of special materials for shields to include those that can also be used to make weapons.
  • Updated the Plasma Blast ability of the Qi Adept Soldier Fighting Style to be its own weapon instead of modifying the unarmed strike.
  • Usage for spell-like abilities provided by species traits can now be tracked from the Spells section of the Character Sheet. Similar support for spell-like abilities from other sources (eg. feats) will follow in future releases.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed level and price for Pheromone Grenades.
  • Fixed not being able to filter by the Indirect weapon special property.
  • Fixed Muon Solarian Crystals not having the Penetrating special property.
  • Fixed issue where speed penalties from armor and bulk limits were stacking.
  • Benefits of the feat Fleet when encumbered or overburdened now only apply to land speed, and only when wearing light or no armor.
  • Spell Cairn Form is now on the Mystic spell list, and no longer on the Technomancer spell list.


  • Added homebrew for NPC type, subtype, class and template grafts.

Class Statistics - Part 3

I've posted the third round of statistics, this time looking at the Nanocyte, Operative and Precog classes (link).

· 3 min read


  • Added missing items from Liberation of Locus-1 & AP 46.


  • Senses are now part of the JSON export.
  • The class features Infinite Tech, Infinite Tech Armor and Infinite Lash for Witchwarpers will now add equipment to the character's inventory.
  • The class feature Custom Rig for Mechanics will now add the Custom Rig as an item in the character's inventory. Expert Rig, Advanced Rig and Superior Rig class features will now automatically add computer modules to this item.
  • Drones, Starships, Creature Companions, Mechs, Vehicles and NPCs can now have avatars.
  • Added support for using external URLs to images for avatars.
  • Added selectable options for the Cephalume species trait Symbiote Adaptation.
  • Armor sidebar in the inventory now has a section to track environmental protection usage.
  • Attack bonus breakdown for weapons now shows base attack bonus and ability modifier separately.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with the Adaptive Biochains augmentation being show with a price of 0 in the Character Creator.
  • Swarm strike now correctly uses Constitution modifier for attack and damage if it's higher.
  • Fixed attack bonus increases for Mech Upper Limbs not being shown on the Mech Stat Block.
  • Vanguard discipline Antagonize now actually adds the Antagonize feat to the character.
  • Soldier Gear Boost Laser Accuracy now actually adds a bonus to attack rolls for laser weapons.

Equipment Tags

Certain features from a character's class, theme or species, like the Experimental Armor Prototype Mechanic feature, allow you to pick one or more items that they modify. To account for such features, this release adds tags which can be added to equipment from the Sheet > Inventory section. Applying a tag will automatically apply any relevant effects to the item. Features which provide tags will be marked as such in the Creator. As of this release, the following tags have been added:

  • Crafted (to mark items which have been crafted)
  • Durable Crafting (for the Tinker theme's benefit of the same name)
  • Experimental Armor Prototype, Experimental Weapon Prototype (for Mechanics with the Experimental Prototype alternate class feature)
  • Signature Weapon, Signature Armor, Signature Clothing, Signature Item (for Envoys with the Signature Item alternate class feature)
  • Major Form, Minor Form (for Nanocytes)

Class Statistics - Part 2

I've posted some more statistics, this time looking at the Evolutionist, Mechanic and Mystic classes (link).

· 3 min read


  • Descriptions for class feature option effects (eg. the booster, inhibitor and breakthrough provided by a Biohacker's Field of Study) are now shown in the Character Creator.
  • Solarian Stellar Revelation Celestial Clock now adds an entry to the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Added level separators in the class feature option dropdown.
  • FGU XML Fixed dexterity modifier being added to damage for ranged weapons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Technomancer feature Techlore not increasing by 1 at level 15.
  • Fixed incorrect casting time for spells Restoration and Lesser Restoration.
  • Fixed issue with bonuses for the Hyperclocking and Overclocking Mechanic Tricks not applying to drones for Technomancers with the Drone Technomancer alternate feature.
  • Added missing Mechanic Trick "Extra Mod" as an option for Technomancers with the Drone Technomancer alternate feature.
  • Fixed issue where the Reinforced Chassis Drone Mod and Extra Resolve Feat would not grant their respective benefits to drones.
  • Fixed issue with certain feats (including Deadly Aim) did not automatically apply their effects if they were selected as a Soldier's bonus combat feat.
  • Fixed issue where characters proficient with heavy armor would not be proficient with the Salvage Chassis powered armor.
  • Fixed incorrect casting time for spell Make Whole.
  • Fixed theme benefit Hardened Systems from the Cyberborn theme not granting electricity resistance.
  • Fixed incomplete description for Evolutionist's weapon specialization.
  • Fixed Elf species trait Forlorn Connection not adding spells.


  • All Mech systems can now be homebrewed.

Feature Voting

  • Added "Armada Creator" as a potential feature.

Class Statistics

It's been around six months since I last posted stats for the websites, but I've found some time to make more. This round of stats will look at the class options players have selected for their characters, starting with a look at Alternate Class Features and the Biohacker and Envoy classes (link).

New Patreon Goal

The user-base for Hephaistos has continued to steadily grow since March last year, when the first Patreon goal was hit. That, and the recent influx of new users has been extremely awesome to see. To keep up with this growth the infrastructure and services Hephaistos utilizes needs to scale as well. So, I've created a new Patreon goal to help offset the cost of said infrastructure and services. Please don't feel obligated to donate, but if you do decide to, know that it is greatly appreciated.

· One min read


  • Added entry in the Selection 2.0 section for keeping track of a Vanguard's entropy point. Selecting 1 EP or higher will automatically add an enhancement bonus to AC.
  • The Fantasy Grounds Unity XML export now contains actions for most spells and general actions.

Bug Fixes

  • Professional Tools no longer add an entry to the Situational Bonuses section since they automatically add a bonus to the selected profession.
  • Ysoki trait Scrappy now actually provides bonus to melee attacks when characters have 0 stamina.
  • Fixed borai, dwarf, half-orc, SRO, strix, and ysoki characters missing darkvision from the Senses section.
  • Fixed issue with the FGU XML export where weapons wouldn't show in the Actions section in FGU if they were equipped after the import.


  • All Starship systems can now be homebrewed.

· 2 min read


  • Added alternate Mechanic class feature Robotic Improvements from IS.
  • Added data from AP 49.


  • Entries in the Systems page in the Starship sheet can now be expanded to show descriptions.
  • Equipment sidebars in the Character Creator now include the Buy button.
  • Equipment sidebars in the Character Sheet now include the Transfer, Sell, Equip and other relevant buttons.
  • The Fantasy Grounds Unity XML export now contains actions for equipped weapons and links for a character's species and theme.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved Combat Maneuver feat now adds an entry to the Situational Bonuses list.
  • Spells provided by the Hanakan Magic species trait are now shown in the Spells section of the Character sheet.
  • Fixed incorrect casting time for spell Regenerate.
  • Fixed feat Corruption's Gift not being selectable multiple times.


Since the first release back in June 2020, Hephaistos has just glossed over senses provided by a character's species. This release adds in proper support for senses, so Hephaistos is now aware of the low-light vision, darkvision, blindsense, blindsight, sense through, limited telepathy and telepathy a character has. Class features, feats, equipment etc. that add or modify a sense should also be correctly accounted for. Finally, senses possessed by a character are now shown in the bottom-left of the Quick page (just above the proficiencies) in the Character Sheet.