- Items in the inventory can now be put in collections. See the documentation for details.
- Starships can now be marked as biomechanical from the Creator > Details page.
- Added a link to the infosphere preview on the main website.
- Campaign dashboard now shows conditions, perception and sense motive bonuses, starship critical damage, and vehicle attack modifiers.
- Added missing Starship combat actions from the Starship Operations Manual.
- The Ascetic Warrior Soldier class feature now adds special properties to unarmed strike as described.
- The Bone Blade augmentation now adds a separate weapon to the inventory when equipped to represent the actual blade.
- Added ability to mark the Squirming Entrails augmentation as extruded or retracted from the Quick > Selections section.
- Counters on the Character sheet can now be marked to automatically reset on a short or long rest.
Bug Fixes
- Class features that let you treat your class level as base attack bonus for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites (eg. Warmonger Mystic connection and the Spell Sergeant archetype) are now correctly accounted for when calculating feat qualification.
- Fixed broken links in the docs.
- Fixed minor typo in description for spell Junk Armor.
VTT Support
Firstly, I'm aware that v11 for the FoundryVTT has been officially released, and that the Hephaistos Importer module currently only supports v10. I'm hoping to tackle the upgrade between now and the next Hephaistos release in two weeks' time.
Hephaistos currently supports integration with three VTTs: FoundryVTT, Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds Unity. While I do my best to keep up with the developments on these VTTs, and test the integrations as new features are added, I don't use any of them personally, so it's relatively easy for me to miss things. I know there are a lot of Hephaistos users that rely on these integrations functioning properly, so if you encounter any issues, or have any feedback, please let me know. You can report issues and provide feedback using the usual methods (Reddit, Discord, Twitter, Patreon), or create tickets directly in the repository for the Foundry Module or Roll20 API Script.
I'm also happy to accept contributions in the Foundry Module or Roll20 API Script repositories, so feel free to create merge/pull requests in there.