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· 2 min read


  • Added a separate Spell Chip computer module for each spell level. After installing a Spell Chip for a specific level the contained spell can now be chosen.
  • The specific battery to be loaded into a weapon or armor upgrade can now be selected from their respective sidebar.
  • The character.racialTraitNames Dragonscript property can now be used to append additional trait names for the purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where certain archetypes wouldn't provide level-based benefits correctly when chosen as a Free Archetype.
  • When choosing a skill for the Shirren species trait Individual Obsession that would also be a class skill due to the chosen theme, but not from a class, the character will now gain additional skill ranks as described in the species trait.
  • Fixed benefit description for feat Weak Point.
  • Damage bonuses from NPC array and strength modifier is no longer added to grenades.
  • Fixed not being able to apply the Thaumaturgic Spellthrower tag to any weapon.
  • Fixed issue where the bonus to spell DCs from the Spell Focus feat would sometimes be added twice.
  • Fixed Gussy Up being incorrectly marked as a combat feat.
  • Added missing Size and Type trait to the Entu Symbiote species.
  • Fixed spelling error in the description for the Kick in the Door ability of the Soldier fighting style Tunnel Striker.

Character PDF Improvements

To improve the detail and information available in a downloadble and printable PDF form, I thought I'd try experimenting with creating a custom layout. The "download" dropdown in the top-left of the Character Creator now has a "print" option which will present your character in a printable layout that contains all relevant statistics and detailed information about their species, theme, class, feats, spells and equipment.

This is just my first pass at creating a custom layout and it will definitely need further refinement, so give it a try and let me know of any issues you encounter or suggestions you have on how to improve it.

· 2 min read


  • Added feats, creature companions, augmentations, magic items, technological items, grenades, serums & personal items from Starfinder Enhanced.
  • Added missing Witchwarper feature Seek The Breach from Starfinder Enhanced.

Free Archetype

This release adds support for the Free Archetype variant rule presented in Starfinder Enhanced. You can enable Free Archetype for you character from the Creator > Details page. Once enabled, a new "Free Archetype" tab will appear in the Creator, from where you'll be able to select an archetype.


  • Increased creation limit from 60 to 120.
  • Added the description for Charm Person to the Charm Monster spell.
  • Comm Units (Personal, System-Wide and Unlimited) and Datapads are now computers that can have countermeasures, modules and upgrades installed.
  • Classes with "enhanced" class features from Starfinder Enhanced are labeled as such in the summary shown under the character's name.
  • Added a button to copy the link for the avatar image on the Creator > Details page when using an external URL.
  • Moved the save notification and dice rolls so they don't cover up the sheet on wider screen.
  • Starship weapons can now be filtered by range in the Creator and Infosphere.
  • Added options to select the "normal sensors" for the Starship system Magic Sensors so the cost is adjusted correctly.
  • Added drone.speed.* properties for dragonscript.
  • Precog Anomaly Future Training now grants specialization for any selected weapon types.
  • The bulk sidebar on the Sheet > Inventory page now shows previously hidden sources that increase or decrease total bulk.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Prole and Vidgamer themes not providing correct bonuses to profession skills.
  • Fixed missing range from spell Volcanic Wrath.
  • Fixed damage type for Frost Maul, Aufeis
  • Fixed Technomancer Magic Hack Personal Firewall not adding spell resistance.
  • Fixed Drone Mod Noqual Reinforcement not adding spell resistance.
  • Updated description for Technomancer Magic Hack Brain Hacker to match errata.
  • Fixed the Divine Evolutionist Niche not specifying Magitech as the Augmentation Type.
  • Fixed Nanocyte Body Array not adding constitution modifier to DR or ER provided.


  • Added narrative starship combat rules to the infosphere.
  • Added rules from the GM Tools and Resolve Points sections of Starfinder Enhanced.
  • Added scaling equipment rules from Starfinder Enhanced to the infosphere.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from Angels of the Drift #3.
  • Added new class options, species, themes, archetypes, spells and rituals from Starfinder Enhanced. The remaining stuff (feats, creature companions, equipment etc.) will follow in subsequent releases.

Enhanced Features

The new "enhanced" class features for the Envoy, Solarian, Technomancer and Witchwarper classes have been added to Hephaistos as alternate class features that don't replace any existing features. This means that if you have an existing character with levels in any of those classes you will need to manually select the new class features from the Creator > Class section.

Any new characters created with these classes, or existing characters taking their first level in these classes, will automatically have the "enhanced" features selected, though you can deselect them if you want.


Starfinder Enhanced highlighted a misunderstanding I had regarding archetypes: that you can only pick one per class. The introduction of the Archetypes section of the book makes it clear that this isn't the case. Fortunately, the only issue this causes that I'm aware of is the Exalted Champion archetype, which requires the Divine Champion archetype. As a workaround, I've added the only feature provided by that archetype (Exalted Focus at level 9) as an optional feature of the Divine Champion archetype, which should be mechanically identical.


All the data that's been added so far from Starfinder Enhanced is also available on the Hephaistos Infosphere.


  • Replaced "Race" with "Species" in the Character and Homebrew creators.
  • Updated the look of traits for Envoy Improvisations and Stellar Revelations.
  • Unselected class features now have grey text to make it clear that they aren't active.
  • Profession Clothing now adds an entry to the Situational Bonuses section when equipped.
  • Item Lightvision Shades can now be activated and deactivated from the Sheet > Quick > Selections tab.
  • Renamed the "Maximum Size" filter for Interstellar Drives in the Starship Creator to "Frame Size" and fixed its behaviour.

Bug Fixes

  • The Agile Casting feat now actually checks for Mobility being selected as a prerequisite.
  • Fixed incorrect damage types for weapon Desperation Cannon.

· 2 min read


  • The Ring of Fangs now adds a weapon to the inventory when equipped.
  • Weapons in the character creator and Infosphere can now be filtered based on whether they target EAC or KAC.
  • Feats in the character creator can now be filtered based on type (Combat, Drone, Teamwork) and if they have no prerequisites.

Bug Fixes

  • Vehicle price on the Sheet > Quick page now includes the cost of all modifications.


  • Added Polymorphing rules from AA2.
  • Starship Other System options (eg. options for TIMs or VI tiers) now show their cost.
  • Added Services (Lodging, Professional Services, Recharging Stations and Transportation).

Polymorph Forms

You can now design Polymorph Forms as part of the Polymorph spell. This can be done from the Creator > Class > Spells section by expanding Polymorph spell. Under the description of the spell itself, you'll now have an area where Forms can be created, deleted and edited. Once created, Polymorph Forms will appear on the Sheet > Quick page as their own tab next to the Weapon & Spells tabs, from where they can be activated or deactivated.

This functionality is only available for the Polymorph spell at the moment, but I do plan on expanding it in future releases to items (eg. Polymorphic Serum., Spell Amps etc.) that can have Forms associated with them.

Starfinder Enhanced

Starfinder Enhanced will be officially released later this week, and adding all the new stuff from it will be my main goal for the next few Hephaistos releases. I will be focusing on adding the new "enhanced" features first, then the new class options, followed by new species, themes, archetypes, spells, feats, equipment, and the rest. After that, I'm also interested in supporting some of the new/variant rules, especially the Free Archetype variant and the new uses for Resolve Points.

Since the character creator and Infosphere are generated from the same source, all of the data will be appearing in both places at the same time.

As always, my priorities are subject to feedback, so if there's something in the book you'd like to see in Hephaistos, definitely let me know.

· One min read


  • Improved how traits and adjustments are displayed for NPC grafts in the Infosphere to provide more clarity and details.
  • Venom Spurs and Rending Talons augmentation now shows up as a weapon when installed.
  • Added a table for the damage done by an Entropic Strike to the class feature's description.
  • Magic Hack Adaptable Spell Knowledge now provides the ability to choose spells.
  • Vanguard Discipline Applied Entropy now automatically adds spell-like abilities as described.
  • Mechs and Vehicles can now be downloaded as a PDF using the official sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Megalonyxas getting Heavy Weapon Specialization instead of Heavy Weapon Proficiency.
  • Fixed Technomancer class feature Hack Capacitor showing earlier than it should when delayed due to archetype features.