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The If statement allows you to execute a statement or list of statements only if a given Condition is true.


If statements begin with the if keyword followed by a Condition, the then keyword and a Statement or List of Statements.

Optionally, the Statement (or list of Statements) can be followed by the else keyword and then another Statement (or list of Statements) which will be executed in the case the Condition provided is false.


When writing Statements as part of an If statement you do not need to end each statement with a ;. Only one ; is required at the end of the If.


Add a bonus to Piloting if it has more than one rank

if {character.piloting.ranks >= 1} then
bonus 2 to character.piloting as enhancement;

Add a bonus to attack based on the difference between Character Level and BAB

if {(character.level - character.bab) >= 3} then
[bonus 2 to character.attack.sniper as misc, bonus 2 to character.attack.smallArm as misc]
[bonus 1 to character.attack.sniper as misc, bonus 1 to character.attack.smallArm as misc];

Add ER against cold depending on Mystic level

if {character.mystic.level >= 20} then
bonus 30 to as enhancement
else if {character.mystic.level >= 16} then
bonus 20 to as enhancement
else if {character.mystic.level >= 6} then
bonus 10 to as enhancement;