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Foundry VTT

Importing characters, starships and drones into Foundry is facilitated by the Hephaistos Importer module.

In Hephaistos

  1. Open the character or starship you want to import.
  2. Using the menu on the top-left, download the JSON file for the character.

In Foundry


Importing characters into FoundryVTT requires you to either have the Game Master role, have the Assistant role, or have the permission to create new Actors.

  1. Install the Hephaistos Importer module.
  2. Navigate to the Actors Directory tab in the sidebar and click the Import From Hephaistos button at the bottom.
  3. Select your downloaded JSON file and click Import. This will start the import process.

The module will automatically try to find races, class features, feats, equipment etc. in the Starfinder compendium. If there is anything that cannot find a dialog will be shown to allow you to manually enter the names of missing items. Any items that are left blank or still cannot be found will not appear on the imported actor.

If the character being imported has a drone, it will also be imported automatically.

For any bug reports, suggestions or feedback feel free to create an issue here.