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Properties represent the actual aspect of a Character, Drone, Mech, Vehicle, NPC or Creature Companion (collectively known in Hepahistos as "Creations") that you want to get the value of or modify.


This section lists all the Properties available in Dragonscript. Each Property subsection has a table describing the combinations of Expression or Statement and Creations it can be used with.


The tables only describes combinations that won't result in an error. However, combinations that are valid still may not have an actual effect in some cases. For example, it is valid to provide Mechs a bonus to their Resolve Points, but since Mechs don't have RP it won't actually do anything.

The systems in which the augmentation can be installed.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The augmentation's type.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's levels in a custom homebrew class. Replace [custom] with the name of the custom class in camelCase. For example, if your homebrew class is called "My Awesome Class", you can get its level using character.myAwesomeClass.level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Acrobatics bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Acrobatics.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Acrobatics is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Acrobatics.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 0 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 1 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 2 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 3 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 4 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 5 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total number of level 6 spells currently known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the armor check penalty for all armor (not including shields).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The maximum dexterity bonus of worn armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Burrow speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Climb speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The Fly (A) speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The Fly (C) speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The Fly (P) speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The Land speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Swim speed of worn powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the speed adjustment for all armor (not including shields).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of Upgrade slots on the character or drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of arms or limbs that can hold items.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Asleep condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Athletics bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Athletics.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Athletics is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Athletics.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total attack bonus for Advanced Melee weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total attack bonus for Basic Melee weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total attack bonus for Heavy Weapon weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total attack bonus for Longarm weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Melee attack bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Ranged attack bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total attack bonus for Small Arm weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total attack bonus for Sniper weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Thrown attack bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in All Arms.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in All Legs.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Arm.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Brain.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Heart.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Leg.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Skin.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Spinal Column.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Number of Cybernetic augmentations installed in Throat.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The base attack bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The base attack bonus for the purposes of feat prerequisites.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Biohacker level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Biohacker class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Bleeding condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Blinded condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsense (electricity) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsense (scent) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsense (sound) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsense (vibration) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsight (electricity) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsight (scent) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsight (sound) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total blindsight (vibration) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Bluff bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Bluff.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Bluff is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Bluff.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Broken condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The encumbrance limit.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The overburdened limit or carrying capacity.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total carried bulk.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Burning condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's caster level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Charisma score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether Charisma is enabled. Used mainly to disable an ability for NPCs and Creature Companions.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Charisma modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Class skills from the 1st selected class. This can be useful for determing Theme Knowledge benefits.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The AC vs. Combat Maneuvers.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Computers bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Computers.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Computers is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Computers.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Confused condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Constitution score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether Constitution is enabled. Used mainly to disable an ability for NPCs and Creature Companions.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Constitution modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


A list of IDs of the manifestations chosen for the given corruption. Replace [id] with the ID of the corruption.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


To total number of manifestations chosen for the given corruption. Replace [id] with the ID of the corruption.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Cowering condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Culture bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Culture.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Culture is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Culture.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total damage bonus for Advanced Melee weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total damage bonus for Basic Melee weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total damage bonus for Heavy Weapon weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total damage bonus for Longarm weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Melee damage bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Ranged damage bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total damage bonus for Small Arm weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total damage bonus for Sniper weapons.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The damage bonus for Unarmed Strikes due to Weapon Specialization

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Thrown damage bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total darkvision range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Dazed condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Dazzled condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Dead condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Deafened condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Dexterity score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether Dexterity is enabled. Used mainly to disable an ability for NPCs and Creature Companions.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Dexterity modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Diplomacy bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Diplomacy.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Diplomacy is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Diplomacy.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Disguise bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Disguise.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Disguise is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Disguise.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/adamantine.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/adamantineOrMagic.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/-.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/bludgeoning.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/bludgeoningOrPiercing.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/bludgeoningOrSlashing.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/chaotic.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/evil.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/good.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/goodAndMagic.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/goodOrSilver.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/lawful.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/magic.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/magicAndSilver.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/piercing.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/piercingOrSlashing.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/slashing.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total DR/woodAndPiercing.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Dying condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Energy Armor Class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Encumbered condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Engineering bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The ability used for Engineering.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

Whether or not Engineering is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total ranks in Engineering.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Entangled condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Envoy level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Envoy class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The type of the currently equipped armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total acid resistance.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total cold resistance.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total electricity resistance.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total fire resistance.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total sonic resistance.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Evolutionist level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Evolutionist class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Exhausted condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Fascinated condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Fatigued condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Flat-Footed condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total bonus to Fortitude saving throws.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The base bonus to Fortitude saving throws from Class(es).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Frightened condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Grappled condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Hardness.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The current Hardness.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Hit Points.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The current Hit Points.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the armor check penalty for heavy armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the speed adjustment for heavy armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Helpless condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total bonus to initiative.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Intelligence score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether Intelligence is enabled. Used mainly to disable an ability for NPCs and Creature Companions.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Intelligence modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Intimidate bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Intimidate.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Intimidate is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Intimidate.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Kinetic Armor Class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's key ability score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's key ability modifiers.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total languages known.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Character level, Drone level, Mech tier, Vehicle level, NPC CR or Creature Companion level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Life Science bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Life Science.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Life Science is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Life Science.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the armor check penalty for light armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the speed adjustment for light armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total limited telepathy range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Low-light Vision

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Mechanic level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Mechanic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Medicine bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Medicine.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Medicine is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Medicine.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Drone Mod selections.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Mystic level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Mystic class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Mysticism bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Mysticism.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Mysticism is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Mysticism.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Nanocyte level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Nanocyte class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Nauseated condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Off-Kilter condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Off-Target condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Operative level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Operative class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Overburdened condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Panicked condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Paralyzed condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Perception bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Perception.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Perception is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Perception.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Physical Science bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Physical Science.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Physical Science is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Physical Science.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Piloting bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Piloting.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Piloting is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Piloting.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Pinned condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the armor check penalty for powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the speed adjustment for powered armor.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Precog level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Precog class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


List of armor proficiencies.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


List of weapon proficiencies.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Prone condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The hit points provided by the selected race (if any).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The name of the selected race (if any).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The names of all selected racial traits.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks that can be invested in skills.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total bonus to Reflex saving throws.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The base bonus to Reflex saving throws from Class(es).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Resolve Points.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The current Resolve Points.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Sense Motive bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Sense Motive.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Sense Motive is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Sense Motive.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total sense through (fog) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total sense through (hearing) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

Total sense through (vision) range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


List of all senses.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Shaken condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the armor check penalty for shields.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Reduce the speed adjustment for shields.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Sickened condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Situation-specific bonuses.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character or NPC size.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Sleight of Hand bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Sleight of Hand.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Sleight of Hand is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Sleight of Hand.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Solarian level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Solarian class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Soldier level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Soldier class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Burrow speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Climb speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Fly (A) speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Fly (C) speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Fly (P) speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Land speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Swim speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The spell save DC.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's spellcasting ability modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The list of spells known. This property can be used to append new spells and spell-like abilities using the spell's database ID.

For spell-like abilities, the uses-per-day can be specified by adding a .[number] after the ID. For example, append '1fc4e4ebc6bcbd94c0d9b76e.3' to character.spells; will add the spell Overheat as a spell-like ability that can be used three times per day. At-will usage can be indicated using a .0 after the ID.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total spell resistance.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Stable condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Staggered condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Stamina Points (or Shield Points for Mechs).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The current Stamina Points (or Shield Points for Mechs).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Stealth bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Stealth.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Stealth is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Stealth.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Strength score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether Strength is enabled. Used mainly to disable an ability for NPCs and Creature Companions.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Strength modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Stunned condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Survival bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability used for Survival.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether or not Survival is a class skill. Can also be used set this skill as a class skill.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total ranks in Survival.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Technomancer level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Technomancer class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Total telepathy range.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The current temporary HP.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The id of the selected theme (if any).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of dice used to roll damage for unarmed strikes.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The type of dice used to roll damage for unarmed strikes.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Unconscious condition.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The key ability for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The character's or NPC's Vanguard level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 0 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 1 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 2 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 3 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 4 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 5 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The number of level 6 spells slots for the Vanguard class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total bonus to Will saving throws.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The base bonus to Will saving throws from Class(es).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Wisdom score.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


Whether Wisdom is enabled. Used mainly to disable an ability for NPCs and Creature Companions.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Wisdom modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The key ability for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The character's or NPC's Witchwarper level.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells currently known for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 0 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 1 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 2 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 3 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 4 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 5 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of level 6 spells slots for the Witchwarper class.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ID of the Drone's selected Chassis.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


A list IDs of the Drone's installed mods.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of Melee weapon mounts on the Drone or Vehicle.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of Ranged weapon mounts on the Drone or Vehicle.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Burrow speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Climb speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Fly (A) speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Fly (C) speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Fly (P) speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The total Land speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The total Swim speed of a character's drone.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The item's bulk.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The item's hardness.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The item's hit points.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The item's level.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The item's effective level when calculating its hardness and save DC.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The item's price.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The NPC's ability save DC.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The NPC's high attack bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The NPC's low attack bonus.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


A list of the NPC's good skills.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of NPC good skills.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


A list of the NPC's master skills.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of NPC master skills.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of NPC special abilities.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The starship's maximum expansion bays.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The starship's total available PCUs.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The starship's piloting modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The starship's speed (in hexes).

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The starship's distance between turns.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's collision damage dice sides.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's collision DC.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's cover.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's modification slots.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's movement types.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's passenger count.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's piloting modifier.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's price.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's drive speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The Vehicle's full speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target

The Vehicle's travel speed.

CharacterDroneStarshipMechVehicleNPCCreature Companion
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability score used to calculate a weapon's attack bonus.

See Also: Ability Value

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The weapon's ammunition capacity.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The weapon's critical hit effect.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability score used to calculate a weapon's damage bonus.

See Also: Ability Value

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The ability score used to calculate a weapon's save DC.

See Also: Ability Value

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The number of damage dice for a weapon.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The sides of the weapon's damage dice.

See also: Dice Side Value

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The weapon's range.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The weapon's special properties.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target


The weapon's type.

ArmorArmor UpgradeWeaponAmmunitionWeapon AccessoryWeapon FusionAugmentationItemShield
Condition (LHS or RHS)
Math Operand
Pick Index
Append Target
Bonus Value
Bonus Target
Set Target